
We, at Surgical & Prosthetic Design, believe top healthcare should be available on an all-inclusive, global level.

Surgical & Prosthetic Design’s mission is to support collaboration between healthcare professionals and wider stakeholders in the research, design and development of medically approved patient-specific devices that mitigate risk, are user-friendly and informed by regular scientific reviews.

This commitment to collaboration has delivered unique insights into the real-world constraints of the lab, theatre, and device production environments. Our team of design engineers and researchers are routinely embedded in healthcare environments to learn first-hand about the challenges. This unique blend of expertise allows us to realise practical, effective and reliable design solutions that can improve the predictability, accuracy, safety, and efficiency of medical procedures and device production.

See our recent publications here

Please select from the service and collaboration options below, or give us a call if you have any further questions.  We’re always happy to discuss ways to meet your specific requirements.

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Professor Dominic Eggbeer Head of Surgical & Prosthetic Design
Surgical & Prosthetic Design Enquiries & Orders

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