
Our researchers and design engineers deliver engaging and evidenced keynotes about real-world experiences from applying digital design and patient-specific solutions to surgery.  If you would like us to speak at your event, please contact us using the details below. 

We will develop content and costings for digital design or 3D printing training sessions, according to your unique audience and scope.  With 20 years, and hundreds of patient-specific designs-worth of experience in applying engineering to surgical challenges; our group is well-placed to bring relevant and pragmatic insights to industrial, academic, or government contexts. 

We have delivered training workshops to professional organisations including the Institute for Maxillofacial Prosthetists and Technologists in the UK, ADT Conferences, and to the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Fellows-in-Training.  Contact us using the details below. 

We regularly welcome post-graduate and undergraduate placement students into our friendly and approachable team.  However, due to the dynamic and deadline-driven nature of our services and research activities, we are selective about when and who we can accommodate in this way.  Please contact Dr. Dominic Eggbeer to make an enquiry.

As the costs associated with entry-level polymer 3D printers and design tools continue to fall, many hospital laboratories or surgical units are looking towards purchasing in-house equipment and training for their staff.  This can have beneficial impacts on some aspects of clinical practice.  However, it can also negatively impact upon the nature of the designs and printed devices; especially in scenarios without sufficient scale, regulatory compliance, or when inappropriate tools are used.

Our strong desire to implement digitally designed, 3D printed patient-specific devices in healthcare, hinges on the caveat of doing so practically, sustainably, and safely.  As such, get in touch with us using the contact details below, to enquire about a bespoke consultancy service to suit your needs.

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Professor Dominic Eggbeer Head of Surgical & Prosthetic Design